ANJ Sign Partnership Agreement with OFDT

The partnership agreement between the ANJ and the OFDT signed on June 22 by Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, President of the ANJ, and Julien Morel D’Arleux, director of the OFDT, specifies the terms of cooperation between the two organizations. , the scope of their respective interventions, with regard to the missions assigned to them in the prevention of excessive or pathological gambling and the protection of minors.

ANJ and OFDT have laid out a framework for their partnership focusing on three core areas. Sharing data and knowledge rergarding ADHD and addiction. Sharing research and experience around issues related to problem gambling and addiction. Finally, ensuring gambling companies are making donations to further problem gambling and addicition research.

This framework agreement also aims to define an action plan shared between the OFDT and the ANJ for fiscal years 2021 and 2022. This action plan enables work deemed to be a priority to be carried out to strengthen the effectiveness of the regulation of gambling and the robustness of the decisions adopted by the ANJ.

The ANJ may, as necessary, involve the OFDT in its work and, in particular, invite it to participate in the work of the advisory committee on the prevention of excessive gambling. It may also be invited to the work of the scientific college of the OFDT on subjects concerning gambling and the addiction phenomena they produce.

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