J3STER.GG Introduces Enhanced Betting Features with ForbiddenGG Collaboration

J3STER.GG, a live-streaming betting platform, has introduced a new feature known as winning bets. This addition allows users to place bets on the outcome of a game played by a streamer.

The platform allows betting on various gameplay outcomes, catering to Twitch viewers. With the new feature, users have an opportunity to place bets on broader game outcomes as opposed to specific moments. Currently, J3STER.GG is testing this service in partnership with the Twitch streaming group ForbiddenGG.

During this testing phase, Forbidden is streaming Call of Duty: Warzone sessions using J3STER.GG’s betting capabilities. This collaboration enables viewers to bet on Forbidden’s game performances. The full implementation of the winning bets feature by J3STER.GG is scheduled for next month.

Kevin Des Lauriers, CEO at J3STER.GG, said: “Innovating on the user experience is everything. Releasing new bet types quickly is fundamental for scale and our exponential growth. Additional advantages for streamers include increased viewer engagement and the ability to retain these viewers during the entire round.

“We are thrilled to be working with Forbidden to trial this new feature and as we get ready for our full launch next month, we will not stop the rapid evolution.”

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