Growth Through Compliance: Keynote Speeches – ‘Kaelo Ajuluchukwu, Heather McKee & Paul Foster

At the iGF Supper Club, it was an absolute honour to be joined by some of the foremost thought leaders in our industry for an evening of networking and ideas exchange over delicious food and drinks.

We had the privilege of being joined by gaming industry leader, Heather McKee, Director of Compliance for White Hat Gaming (iGF Supper Club Chair), Paul Foster, CEO for Crucial Compliance (Event Partner) and our keynote speaker, telecoms and media compliance guru ‘Kaelo Ajuluchukwu, ex-Associate General Counsel for Meta and current Head of Product Regulatory Compliance for leading app developers, Welltech.

During his insightful talk, ‘Kaelo drew on his wealth of experience as a compliance leader in the world of telecoms and media, to impart key learnings that he believes the iGaming community can also benefit from.

‘Kaelo’s out-of-industry knowledge and insight provided a rare viewpoint for our audience, and attendees agreed, helping them to look at the compliance and player protection challenges we all face — in a way that has seldom been highlighted before in our sector.

Key takeaways from ’Kaelo’s keynote speech include:

  • Improving regulator relations
  • Leveraging new tech
  • Industry Education
  • Similarities between iGaming and wider media
  • Overcoming legacy system hurdles
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