‘Brands, Bandwagons & Bullshit’ Published to Critical Acclaim by Industry Veteran

‘Brands, Bandwagons & Bullshit’ has been published by industry veteran Harry Lang, as a pragmatic guidebook for aspiring young professionals as they embark on a career in marketing, advertising, PR & media.

‘Brands, Bandwagons & Bullshit’ is now available to buy at a discounted launch price as a paperback (£11.99) and eBook (£6.99) at https://amazon.com/author/harrylang. The book has been written to help anyone considering a career in Marketing, Advertising, Media or PR and for those who want to learn, from the ground up, how these creative industries work.

‘Part 1: Getting Started’ covers the basics of strategy, channel marketing and the things you need to know before applying for your first job whilst ‘Part 2 – The Marketing Bit’ branches out into the strategy, tactics and campaigns that brands employ to give them an edge (or sometimes get it very, very wrong).

It’s a brutally honest account of the marketing world that will help you avoid making the same mistakes as the author. Plus there are 3 FREE SIGNED COPIES of the book to be won – just follow @mrharrylang social media and like/ share/ RT the promotional post to enter and winners will be picked at random on Christmas eve who will get a signed paperback copy in the post.

Rory Sutherland, Vice-Chairman at Ogilvy Group said: – “I noticed that this book ingeniously starts with a glossary – which was recommendation enough. But it gets even better from there on. I’m really enjoying it”.

Danny Denhard, CMO, Marketing & Growth Coach. Founder of ‘Must Reads’ newsletter:- “A gripping and no-nonsense take on the complex world of marketing and how to navigate for success. This is a passionate and actionable guide for the elite marketers of the future”.

Reverend Andrew Lightbown, Rector, Winslow Benefice “This is a book that demands to be read: professional and practical, humorous and honest. Harry Lang clearly cares not only about the industry, but the people who comprise the industry. In a very real sense, and apologies for the religious-sounding language, this book is concerned with the telling of truths. It is both pastoral and prophetic. What you get with Harry is the wisdom of a seasoned professional, someone who how knows how to be themselves but with skill, someone who refuses to ride every bandwagon for short term gain, and who knows the difference between healthy manure and the pernicious stench of bullshit”.

Ryan Murton, Director of Organic Acquisition, Bumble.com “This is a must-read for me. A truly reflective life example on how to succeed in this dog-eat-dog industry. I resonate with it a lot”.

Harry Lang, author of ‘Brands, Bandwagons & Bullshit’ said:- “When I started out in agency marketing in 1999, I had no idea how anything worked or what anyone did. I was as scared as I was excited, and my confidence took a few knocks before I came close to finding my feet. Things are better these days with inductions and on the job training but the marketing, advertising, PR and media industries can still look daunting.

“With ‘Brands, Bandwagons & Bullshit’ I’ve tried to offer a guide to the basics, from getting your first job through to writing a marketing strategy. There are also a number of case studies that bring the theories to life, hopefully offering a user friendly guide for both young starters and also those senior business people who still think marketing is a bunch of money wasting B.S.”.

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