Dutch iGaming Market: Online Gambling Barometer Conducted by IPSOS

Since its legalisation in 2021, the Dutch online gambling market has been showing more and more signs of maturity. This is according to the latest edition of the annual NOGA Online Gambling Barometer, conducted by IPSOS. The consumer survey reveals that the number of gamblers among those surveyed is growing, while the number of those who play at unlicensed providers is falling. For instance, 94% of respondents who have gambled since the opening of the legal online gambling market were found to have done so with licensed providers. The vast majority thus opt for a safer and responsible environment, with protection and a duty of care for the provider.

Online gamblers more aware of risks

The barometer also shows that among those surveyed, the number of online gamblers increased slightly compared to last year. Among young adults, the number of online gamblers also increased. In addition, gambling providers’ self-regulation of advertising does seem to have worked: the Dutch saw fewer gambling advertisements. Besides the encouraging figures on gambling advertisements, the number of at-risk gamblers is stable, although there is a slight increase there among young adults in the number of gamblers who do sometimes lie about their gambling behaviour or who spend more than they had planned in advance. The Dutch also feel that providers have an important role in preventing gambling problems. Almost 9 in 10 of those surveyed think providers should provide good information about online gambling and the risks involved.


However, since the opening of the legal market in October 2021, the recognition of legal providers has not increased much, if at all, for the general public. Even with much-untargeted advertising of online gambling, over two-thirds of gamblers still do not know how to distinguish a licensed provider from an unlicensed one.

“There really is an important task for all of us here. Whether you have gambled before or not; it should be as easy and clear as possible to recognise licensed safe providers. Especially if soon that recognition will deteriorate again due to the upcoming advertising ban,” said Peter-Paul de Goeij, managing director of NOGA. “It is good to see that the positive effects of legalisation are becoming more and more visible. But still today it is too easy for an online gambler to fall into the clutches of organised crime. For instance, unlicensed providers still advertise online, including through major search engines. There are many tens of thousands of unlicensed gambling sites active where Dutch gamblers also end up and get into trouble. It is up to us, together with the authorities, to make licensed offers even safer in the coming years and thus protect online gamblers even better – while keeping licensed offers attractive enough to keep gamblers away from illegality.”

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