Gambling Commission Initiates Industry Forum for Operator Insights

The Gambling Commission has unveiled its plan to establish an Industry Forum, aiming to foster greater collaboration with Britain’s igaming sector.

This forum’s primary mandate is to grant the Commission deeper access to the viewpoints of operators within the igaming sphere, providing an enhanced understanding of industry dynamics.

Set to work in tandem with various stakeholder engagement strategies and advisory boards, the Forum will play a pivotal role in grounding the Commission’s initiatives in evidence-based research. Notably, the Commission’s existing advisory mechanisms, such as the Lived Experience Advisory Panel, the Advisory Board for Safer Gambling, and the Digital Advisory Panel, will complement the forum. Additionally, the Commission’s ongoing consumer studies, global regulatory affiliations, and collaborations with consumer insight entities underscore its commitment to a holistic understanding of the igaming industry and its regulatory landscape.

Key areas the Forum aims to address include account management, stakeholder consultations, and enhancing the Commission’s data-driven approaches.

As part of the forum’s organizational structure, the Commission is set to appoint a Chair for a tenure of three years. This will be alongside other select members, each possessing a keen understanding of the igaming industry’s evolving challenges and prospects. With an anticipated roster of approximately ten members, the group aims to represent the diverse facets of the gambling sectors.

The recruitment process for the Chair is slated to commence in September. Concurrently, the Commission will open the floor for membership interest expressions. For transparency and stakeholder engagement, details regarding member identities and their respective advisories to the Commission will be made accessible on the official website.

Marcus Boyle, Commission Chair, said: “We’ve always listened to the views of the industry when deciding how best to make progress but this new forum will give us another way to work with representatives from the industry we regulate”.

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