Asia Live Tech and Start Live Casino Acquired by B2B Gaming

B2B Gaming has been a rising force in the iGaming industry over the course and has been engaged with us in closed-door meetings to acquire our companies. Thus, after reviewing the potential growth and benefit that this can bring our values clientele, we have formally finalized the acquisition in earlier this year.

This would indeed be a new era; however, as part of the acquisition, B2B Gaming takes full ownership of all intellectual property, games, systems, and properties of both Asia Live Tech and Start Live Casino, thus directly servicing our customers forward. As part of the terms of the acquisition, all staff of both Asia Live Tech and Start Live Casino will be retained; thus, customers will still have a familiar face to deal with in their daily business activities.

The upper management of Asia Live Tech and Start Live Casino will be entering a six months transition period to ensure that B2B Gaming is up to speed with all clients and ultimately ensure this transition will be going smoothly before permanently exiting the company.

For existing clients of Asia Live Tech and Start Live Casino as well as the customers of B2B Gaming, this acquisition indeed will bring more offerings and enhancements to what they have been experiencing today with the combination of systems with years of stability plus new age cutting edge games thus the limits are endless in this new era as the era of B2B Gaming is now commencing.

In line with this and agreed by the stakeholders, the acquisition will entail a single brand direction to ensure that is no confusion among customers; thus, all branding moving forward will solely only bear B2B Gaming, and corporate websites of Asia Live Tech and Start Live Casino will be soon diverted to B2B Gaming’s official website at

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