BetCity Joins Forces With NOGA

NOGA’s ambition to connect and represent the entire sector has come another important step closer.  Working together and exchanging best practices nationally and internationally, collaborating and thinking along with each other on the (self-) regulatory framework in the Netherlands to ensure robust consumer protection, responsible gambling and a level playing field are the main goals to which NOGA is committed. Only united can the industry make the Dutch online gambling market the success story it should be and therefore it is great news that BetCity has decided to join NOGA.

“NOGA is very pleased with the accession of BetCity. Since the market opened up in October last year, BetCity has – seemingly from nowhere – put itself on the map and acquired a permanent position on the Dutch online gambling market. The company is also fully rooted in the Netherlands and with its headquarters in Amsterdam, it has quickly made its mark on the market. In addition, the commitment of the provider to consumer protection and their dedication to responsible gambling makes BetCity an ideal partner for NOGA and its members. We welcome BetCity and look forward to a good and pleasant collaboration and a bright future together! “said Peter-Paul de Goeij, managing director of NOGA.

Melvin Bostelaar, CEO of BetCity says: “BetCity has grown in a short time and become a prominent player in the Dutch gambling market. The Netherlands benefits from a well-functioning and regulated gambling market. Cooperation of providers in a respected sector organisation such as NOGA is of great importance. Like us, NOGA takes consumer protection and responsible gaming very seriously. We look forward to making a valuable contribution to this within NOGA.”

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