Danish Gaming Authority Issues Guidance to UK Operators ahead of Brexit

The Danish Gaming Authority has issued the below guidance to operators in line with the UK exiting the European Union (EU) next month.

Great Britain’s exit from the EU

From 1 January 2021, the Brexit transition period ends.

Licence holders that are established in Great Britain after the end of the transition period are responsible for complying with the requirement of a representative in connection with their Danish licence if their circumstances change with Brexit.

Representative required for licence holders established or residing outside an EU or EEA-country 

Persons who do not reside in Denmark or another EU or EEA-country and businesses that are not established in Denmark or another EU or EEA-country can only obtain a licence to offer and arrange gambling activities if they have appointed a representative.

If the licence holder does not reside in (persons) or is not established (businesses) in Denmark or another EU or EEA-country, the licence holder is, throughout the entire period of authorisation, responsible for having submitted an Annex C, which must be approved by the Danish Gambling Authority.

In Annex C, a representative is appointed. The representative must reside in Denmark or, if the representative is a business, the business must be established in Denmark or another EU-country or EEA-country. The appointed representative must be approved by the Danish Gambling Authority.

Form no. 2-04 (Annex C) is available on the Danish Gambling Authority’s website here


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