European Gaming Associations Form Alliance Against Illegal Gambling

A trio of European gaming trade bodies have partnered in a bid to hasten the passage of the European Commission’s Digital Services Act.

The European Casino Association (ECA), European Lotteries (EL) and the World Tote Association have joined forces to form the Alliance Against Illegal Gambling, which supports the aims of the Digital Service Act.

The Act is designed to make it easier to trace users and illegal vendors in online marketplaces, and to enable a coordinated approach to enforcement across the European single market.

Members of the Alliance Against Illegal Gambling argue that unlicensed providers are a drain on the nations they operate in due to not paying tax and creating unfair competition. But they also shirk their responsibilities in terms of safer gambling support.

Via the Digital Services Act, users will be able to flag illegal online content, helping authorities to take enforcement action.

ECA chair Per Jaldung said: “We strongly believe that a greater convergence amongst relevant stakeholders of the EU gambling industry is crucial to tackle common and crucial issues such as illegal gambling.”

He added: “The Alliance aims to raise awareness and work together with policymakers to address it effectively. By bringing together our voices, we can provide key support in protecting consumers across Europe.”

Separately, the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA) has pledged to work with policymakers to ensure the Digital Services Act can be passed and implemented.

Speaking last month, EGBA secretary general Maarten Haijer said: “One of the challenges we see in Europe’s online gambling sector is the need for more consistent regulations in the EU, particularly in respect to customer protection, and the Commission needs to step up to address the current fragmentation.”








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