Can Affiliate Marketing be Compliant? with Stephanie Cook, Head of Acquisition, Lottoland & Nicole Mitton, Head of Customer Success, Rightlander

Watch Nicole Mitton of Rightlander have a quick catch up with Lottoland’s Head of Acquisition, Stephanie Cook. They discuss the issue of player safety responsibility and how operators and affiliates can better work together to ensure the future success of the affiliate marketing industry.

Stephanie shares insights into how improved transparency with player data and great new tools such as Rightlander’s monitoring system have been key to Lottoland’s ability to work with their affiliates and keep players safe.

This is a great example of how to take control of player responsibility, something we expect to see reflected industry-wide in the near future.

Enabling our industry and it’s stakeholders to keep players safe at all times, on all digital channels and regions is of paramount importance – this video is a must-watch.

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