Mindway AI: Gaining a New Regulatory Perspective on Responsible Gambling

Birgitte Sand is one of the most experienced and respected gaming regulatory professionals in the industry. Her recent appointment as a Board member for Mindway AI is a fantastic step forward for the innovative tech company as they will gain a fresh perspective on the best ways to develop and deliver their responsible gambling solution to the industry.

Merging the worlds of tech and regulation from a strategic point of view seems like a winning move, but what exactly is Birgitte’s view on this sector of the current market and how will her regulatory background help contribute to Mindway AI and the entire industry’s campaign against problem gambling? Read more below to find out.

How do you think your experience as a regulator can contribute to reinforcing Mindway AI’s mission to combat problem gambling?

“During my 12 years as a regulator, I had the privilege to meet with and learn from a great many researchers, counsellors and therapists engaged in problem gambling both regarding research and solutions in Denmark but also internationally. The Danish Gambling Authority also strongly supported the exchange of experiences and knowledge between regulators including important topics like problem gambling and now as an advisor problem gambling is a natural part of my work for authorities and the gaming industry. This background provides me with an insight on the complexity of combatting problem gambling and the wide range of solutions, including the value of making use of Artificial Intelligence.”

Do you think that current regulatory frameworks, in Europe especially, are robust enough to cater for the latest technology in the market? Does more need to be done to ensure regulation is sufficiently facilitating or supporting the full spectrum of RG capabilities that new tech has to offer?

“This is a very leading question! As a legislator or regulator, you are always challenged by the rapid technological development and in my view, you have to counter it by providing the necessary flexibility for the gambling administration themselves and/or the responsible minister to make reasonable changes to accommodate new tech without involving parliament each and every time.

“Also, it is important to acknowledge that tech matters like AI is not common knowledge to everyone and I greatly support the efforts done by Mindway AI to explain and relate their solutions to the different perspectives of their consumers being regulators, operators, suppliers etc.”

What is your experience working internationally about the issue of problem gambling on a global scale? How can we better work together as a global industry to ensure safer gambling environments for everyone going forward?

“Problem gambling is not a new challenge but the global growth of the gambling sector including the many more accesses to many different gambling products actualizes the need for international collaboration between all stakeholders – game designers, operators, suppliers, regulators, legislators – and indeed also researchers, treatment institutions, players themselves – and more. I welcome the focus which is reflected in much new legislation and regulation but also on the initiative of the gambling industry itself and if it is possible to gather these good forces on effective tools such as those from Mindway AI it could help reducing problem gambling and support gambling as pure entertainment. In short – all stakeholders need to be involved in developing and making use of the most effective tools.”

As a board member of Mindway AI what will be thefirst objective you aim to achieve within the next year? 

“As a board member you enter into a team and based on my regulatory experiences and network, I of course aim to support the deployment of Mindway AI products among not only regulators but all stakeholders regarding problem gambling.  I also aim to greatly inspire the products in a way, so they not only match the current demand and requirements but stay a front runner when creating still better future solutions!”

Editor’s note:

Birgitte’s international regulatory experience means that her understanding of problem gambling issues is multifaceted and well rounded. Over the years she has regularly engaged with Researchers, Counselors and Therapists tackling problem gambling in regard to research and solutions. Now, being well positioned on the supplier’s side, Birgitte is perfectly equipped to help lead Mindway AI to multijurisdictional success, ensuring that all aspects of this global issue are being addressed along the way. Guaranteeing sustained growth for Mindway AI’s products in the future and the indirectly the industry in general.

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