Kindred’s Revenue from Harmful Gambling Decreased to 3.0 per cent in the First Quarter of 2023

In the first quarter of 2023, Kindred Group’s share of revenue from harmful gambling decreased to 3.0 per cent and the improvement effect after interventions was 83.0 per cent. During the quarter, effects of automated technological solutions such as detecting and engaging with customers at risk through automated interventions are showing initial signs of a positive trend.

Kindred Group plc (Kindred) reports a decrease in the share of revenue from harmful gambling to 3.0 (3.3) per cent in the first quarter of 2023. This positive trend can be attributed to improvements focused on enhancing the customer’s responsible gambling journey. During the quarter, 83.0 per cent of detected customers saw improved gambling behaviour after an intervention was made by Kindred’s responsible gambling and customer facing teams. This is a small improvement from the previous quarter and serves as another testament to the importance of intervention efforts.

Global statistics from Kindred Group  Q2 2022  Q3 2022  Q4 2022  Q1 2023*
Share of gross winnings revenue from high-risk players  3.3%  3.8%  3.3%  3.0%
Improvement effect after interventions  84.7%  82.6%  82.1%  83.0%

*90 day rolling period between 20 December 2022 and 19 March 2023

“We have continuously emphasised the importance of detecting and engaging with our customers who are showing markers of harm. To prevent a harmful behaviour, early intervention is critical, and I am glad that we can see result of the roll out of automated interventions that we have done in some of our markets”, says Henrik Tjärnström, CEO of Kindred Group.

“Going forward I look forward to following the holistic approach and collaboration across different teams within Kindred. Responsible gambling is not a factor only for one team, but it is something that every single employee contributes to through their knowledge and commitment to reducing harmful revenue. By our tech teams working hand in hand with the responsible gambling and customer facing teams, we can swiftly release improved interventions across different markets. All in line with our Journey towards Zero road map”, concludes Tjärnström.

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