Leveraging iGaming Networking Events in 2024: Why Less is More For G&M News

As the global iGaming market powers into the future, there are no shortages of exciting growth opportunities. And because of this the industry networking calendar is like a rising dam, at times quite literally overflowing with summits, conferences and events; all of them proclaiming their “essential” and “unmissable” status.

But with so much potentially good stuff on offer, how can you differentiate between “The Best and The Rest”.

We’ve all got busy schedules. And we need to know which event, among the cornucopia on offer, is “Vale La Pena?”, as they say in Spanish: Which ones are worth the effort of scheduling and, most importantly, attending?

To answer this most pressing–and time-saving–question, iGamingFuture spoke to man-in-the-know Sebastian Luna, CEO of G&M News.

Sebastian believes that he has found the perfect formula for creating valuable industry meet-ups where attendees have the best opportunity to create lasting and productive working relationships. 

This year, for example, leading media outlet G&M News will be hosting a range of intimate networking and learning events specifically designed to help push the global iGaming industry forward – and provide ample growth opportunities. 

What is the main benefit for delegates who attend your events? How do they differ from the many other networking events happening in the gaming industry?

“Attendees at our events are predominantly land-based and online gaming operators, who are entertained, listened to, and respected. Everything is designed by and for them: Comfortable places where they can relax, and not be harried, like at many other conventions, fairs, conferences and panels in which they present their ideas and experiences – whether they are speakers or listeners. Critically, we provide entertaining networking spaces and exclusive moments for business. 

“Unlike other events, at G&M News’ boutique meetings operators are not usually chased by dozens or hundreds of suppliers, but rather only interact with a few. 

“They can really meet their peers from other countries and regions. Our motto is: “Less is More!” Less people. More quality. More time for business.”

Your next two European events are taking place in Portugal and Spain. Why have you chosen these two locations in particular?

“Portugal is a high-growth gaming market to which the industry in general has paid little to no attention; until G&M News arrived. 

“Since we launched our platform in Portuguese in 2021, we have been covering the alternatives of that great market and now, in 2024, it seems to us that it’s the ideal time to recognize the work of the operators of that country by organizing our first Portuguese event https://g-mnews.com/en/en-gm-events-portugal-2024/ in a luxurious restaurant in Lisbon. 

“In addition, we have many friends in the sector who are from Portugal, Carla Vicente; Soraia Lourenço; Ivo Doroteia, to name a few.

“Likewise, as Argentines, we live near Brazil, and we know of the close bond between Brazilians and Portuguese. For this reason, we will also bring Brazilian operators to our event in Lisbon. Generating business interactions is an obligation for all media outlets in the industry. Hopefully, others will imitate our example. 

“As for Spain, it’s obviously a territory with strong ties to Argentina. In Cadiz, we found a truly spectacular gaming business hub. It will be the third year of our event there, and it’s proving to be increasingly successful. 

“Executives come from (the Spanish enclaves of) Ceuta and Melilla in Morocco; gaming leaders from Gibraltar, Europe and LatAm will be attending at G&M Events Spain, https://g-mnews.com/en/en-gm-events-spain-2024/; where we will give also be giving space to operators from Africa.”

G&M News is known mostly for its LatAm-focused content. How do you plan to create more content that caters for the European audience? Are there any markets in particular that you’re most interested in? And, if so,  why?

“Well, actually, we are known for many other things, for example: Being the first media outlet in the gaming industry at a global level to create original content in English, Spanish and Portuguese; being leaders on LinkedIn among all the media in Ibero-America, and changing the paradigm of the industry in terms of content coverage, giving priority and voice to operators, minorities and other actors and markets little heard until July 2019, when we launched.

“Beyond this, our content is known because of our complete coverage of LatAm and Spain (Spanish); Brazil and Portugal (Portuguese), and USA, Canada and Europe (English).

In other words, we are a media based in Latin America but with international projection.

“So, specifically answering the question, we are interested in many markets in Europe that are undergoing transformation, including Western and Eastern Europe. There are changes in regulations, new challenges, and other developments in Europe. We constantly plan to generate updated content about the European market. To this end, we have also closed an agreement with our friends at iGamingFuture, in order to exchange articles about Europe and LatAm between both media. It’s a partnership we greatly value.”

What does the future hold for G&M News? What more can be done to help support the upcoming growth of the iGaming industry?

“We will continue growing and accompanying the progress of our clients, partners and friends in the industry. Growth must be based on ideas and innovation, always seeking to be creative and not repeating formulas, as has been done in the industry for decades. 

“We clearly know where we are going and how we will achieve our goals. 

“At the same time, we must be attentive to what the entire industry chain– regulators, operators, associations, suppliers, certifiers, and players–demand. 

“We listen to each one of them, and try to solve their needs in an appealing way for readers. We must never forget that behind new technologies that surprise us every day, behind the products and the dynamism of the gaming industry, there are people: Creators, developers, sellers, buyers, consumers, from CEOs to administrators and assistants. Everyone contributes to the final product.

“It is often said that “Content is King”. But this is not necessarily true. Without trained executives, who can convey the right message to buyers and understand audiences, content alone is useless. G&M News thinks about people, products, and markets. We will keep on developing new sections to make gaming a more interesting and valuable sector, which will be constantly growing over the coming years.”

Editor’s Note:

After speaking with Sebastian, it’s clear that G&M’s upcoming events in Spain and Portugal, especially, are not to be missed. 

Indubitably, for industry stakeholders interested in LatAm Growth, as well as European opportunities, these are among the best networking and learning events currently on offer–“The Best, Among the so-called Rest”.

See you there!

For more information please visit: www.g-mnews.com

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